Friday, March 26, 2010

Pot Holder Swap

Recently I was in a Pot Holder swap in the Craft Forum I belong to.

This is the pot holder I sent miss~nance

This is the pot holder I received from Raider7 


Earlier today I travelled down to Hastings (3 hours away)  for my Graduation ceremony.  I was receiving my Post Graduate Diploma in Health Science.

Where's The Remote???

Not long ago I got some Moda Jelly Roll material for this project. My son absolutely loved it and kept on asking me when was I going to make it and now I have and the remotes are easily found because everyone uses this. This pattern was found in Among The Gum Trees blog. I did however, have a mishap with the sewing machine doing this. So eager was I to sew the strips I did not give it second thought that the needle was to one side and kept on sewing only to discover when I had finished I did not have 1/4" seams. Hence a smaller holder but perfect for our 3 main remotes.