For QBSA August swap I had Donna and she asked for any block sampler style, so I thought how about my favorite block..... a Pinwheel. I even used some of my treasured Civil War reproduction fabrics too.
August to Donna |
Well I am pretty well onto it and have already completed my September block which I will post away with a few other swaps tomorrow.
Leena asked for Spools, with the thread as stripes. I initially thought I had no striped material and was going to going shopping tomorrow but then found some this morning, so this afternoon have whipped one up.
Sent to Leena |
Hope you girls like them.
Now if anyone wants to join this swap, go on over
here. There only a limited amount of places left so you have to be quick.
Also over at the
Craft Lovers Online Forum I have joined a 1" Hexi Swap. This month I sent to Candlepatch and Quiltn'sandy sent to me. Now I am a novice at making these but over time I will get better and faster.
Candlepatch asked for a pink, green and brown mixture so I sent her this one.
Sent to Candlepatch |
I have asked for cream centres and red petals, so this time round Quiltn'Sandy has sent me this hexi.
Received from Quiltn'Sandy |
I do like it.
Until next time everyone
Best Wishes