I have not joined in with the girls for FNWF for a while, mostly because I usually am working, but luckily I was not needed this week so got to join in.
I am in a few Hexagon flower swaps and am behind in a couple due to the mad Christmas rush, but now it is settling down I am going to catch up and make more too. So on Friday night I cut out a lot of these 1" hexagons
Then basted them already to sew together
Talking about hexagon flower swaps, for the last year I have been part of Hexi Mail 4 and I loved receiving my hexi flowers in the mail and sending them out. There is going to be one group for 2017 which I am admin for and we are looking for new members to join. Spaces are limited and there will be no more than 100 people allowed to join, though this may close at 75, we will see how it goes, so please head along to the link below and join up if you want to and let your friends know too