A few days ago I went and picked some apricots from our neighbours trees. What to do with them after we had eaten our share I thought. Apricot jam came to mind. So out came the trusty
Edmonds Cookbook . Found the recipe and made some.
Now in the pictures below you will see my
Edmonds Cookbook is very tatty. Obviously it is well used. On my Xmas wishlist was a new one and Master 14 bought me one. But I will never get rid off this one. It is not done. I have four off them now, with one being a microwave one. My earliest one is from the early '80's, and in it chicken was just becoming more popular and only eaten on special occasions, so it had a whole section on ways to cook it.
My trusty Edmonds Cookbook |
So I rummaged through my cupboards and luckily found enough jars and lids to go with them.
Jars washed ready to be sterlised |
Then came the washing and halving of the apricots.
In the preserving pan ready to be made into pulp |
Miss 15 saw how much sugar was being used and said she is never eating jam again as it is so much...lol
Wow!! 12 cups of sugar |
After slaving away over a hot stove, on a hot day I finished. I thought I had ten jars, but ended up with only eight. Though I have a jug of the jam in the fridge to get into straight away.
All finished and labelled |
Very delicious it is.
Next on my list is the ever so popular Tomato Relish. next week I will get supplies for that.
Now on to other things.
Just before Xmas I entered in a Xmas Stocking Giveaway and lucky me won a gorgeous one from Sue over at
I received this delightful stocking filled with goodies.
Lots of goodies |
This delightful angel was made by a local crafts person. Isn't it gorgeous.
And this Redwork Angel is also delightful.
Finally, here it is the present I made for my swap partner over at
Our Craft Forum for the Xmas Advent Swap 2011. If you remember I forgot to take a photo, but Sandy has and this is what I made for her.
Xmas Advent Swap 2011 |