Sunday, August 31, 2014

It Arrived, It Arrived, My Christmas In July Parcel

For some strange reason my CIJ parcel got sent back to sender, no idea why but at least it was not lost in the system.  So last weekend it finally arrived. My partner was the lovely Barb from Barbs Creations and she sent me these lovely items.  The chocolate items did not last long at all obviously.

 Everthing is so festive, and come Christmas they will look fabulous when on display

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

A Late FNSI Post

Late last week I joined in with FNSI.  I was just about to start my night shifts again so just didn't get around to posting about what I done, but here it is.

This is from the 'Patchwork Loves Embroidery' book by Gail Pan.

I have also joined up to a Sew Along to over at Sunshine Quilting to stitch more of these lovely designs

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Monday, August 4, 2014

Another 'Christmas In July' Swap

Over on 'Our Craft Group' on Facebook I hosted a Christmas in July swap.

I was lucky enough to swap with Trish for this swap and gifts were received fast from the postal system.

I sent this mini wall hanging to Trish

And from Trish I received this gorgeous decoration in a box of other little bit and bobs.

I am now taking sign ups for the Christmas Advent swap so go on over to 'Our Craft Group' and join up if you like.

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Santa Maybe Running A Little Bit Late For Me, But Not My Partner

I have recent participated in Cherylls Christmas in July swap.  My parcel is still on its way to me and I will post about it when it finally gets here.  Mail delivery can be so erratic sometimes.  I can get an envelope from Australia in three days or three weeks, or even here in New Zealand it can be one day or one week.  Fustrating it is.

Any way I will post about what I sent to my partner Christine from MacDonald's Patch in Australia.
We had to make three things using letters from Christmas.  I chose R- Reindeer, S- Snowman and S- Stockings

First I made a little bag made from stocking fabric

Then a little snowman wall hanging

And finally a mini reindeer hanging

Here they are all together

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