Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas Day Is Over and Done With

First of all a belated Merry Christmas to every one

This year Miss 22 and I also got our first Santa picture together.  Took us all these years to get one.  I do remember as a youngster she did not like Santa, my have times changed.

December has been a busy month for me, working and then going away to another concert .... Shania Twain this time ...... then doing a roadie with Miss 22 from Christchurch to Gisborne over 3 long days.

Shania was awesome and now I have only two more concerts on my list to go to.  One in January and then another in March.  I am concerted out now.

Down in Christchurch I got to go to the best Christmas shop called The Christmas Hut and bought my first Lemax Village item which is in its box till Christmas next year.

This Santa was huge in real life and at $3950 a bit out of my price range.

And also Miss 22 took me to a great Christmas light demonstration.  This is just a small collection of the lights and so dedicated we went in the rain.

Finally after travelling for three days we got home on Saturday just before the bad weather hit and had a days relaxation before I started the preparations for Christmas day including shopping at the supermarket and I must say I struck it lucky as it was not that bad the four times I went (3 because I forgot something).

I had a fail with my non-fail pavlova (a KIWI icon) so made another and only done a basic topping but it was still yummy

And what sewing have I done this month ...... only a block for QBSA.  The block is called Card Trick

Can't believe it is 2019 next week.  Where has the year gone?


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